As summer 2024 ends we look back at all the things that occurred. Over the summer at NDP the WIN program took place. Girls from NDP had the opportunity to intern with professionals in a variety of different settings including days at Maryland Chemical Co., Becton Dickinson and Co. and Brown Advisory. After WINternships, NDP girls headed off to France where they saw the City of Light and Paris. Followed by a climb of the Eiffel Tower, a visit in Versailles, and a trip down the Siene. After those globe-trotting Blazers returned another group of Blazers headed off to Spain! They explored Alhambra in Granada, walked the streets of Toledo, and watching a European Cup match between Spain and Italy.
When all the world travelers returned, Sports Summer Camps began starting with Basketball. Campers got to learn new skills under the guidance of Head Varsity Basketball Coach Katie Marks! Girls got to show off their enthusiasm and skill-development throughout the week. Then the next camp began on the field hockey field with Head Varsity Field Hockey Coach Kat Ross! These campers brought their A-game to Hampton Lane. Finally, an incredible week at soccer camp with Head Varsity Coach Cynthia Walsh! The girls had fun, made new friends, and had the chance to build their soccer skills. We can’t wait to see all these athletes on NDP fields in the years to come.
Like NDP didn’t have enough going on this summer, it’s time for Camp Umoja and Sisters Academy Camp! Student Counselors were thrilled to have campers for a fun -filled few days of swimming, arts and crafts, pizza, and so much more. Then to kick off Sisters Academy Camp which provides sports and fitness activities, campers danced, swam, played tennis, and played basketball. Students from Sister Academy of Baltimore were encouraged and made friendships during the week of sports fun!
After seeing all the fun and exciting things that happened at NDP this summer we look at what happened in the news and on social media. In the news on June 28th, we started to hear news of Hurricane Beryl. Hurricane Beryl was a category five hurricane that impacted the Caribbean, Yucatan Peninsula and Texas. It had winds of up to 165 miles per hour and killed five Texas citizens. Then, following that major news event, we saw President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race on July 21st. Finally, on TikTok we saw several videos of the “Just Give Me My Money” trend. Some of us may have found it funny and over time it may have even gotten a little annoying, but it’s one of those things you can look back and laugh on!
Just like that we bid farewell to Summer 2024, a summer full of memories, trends, and news. As we head into the next school year, we keep all the memories with us and look forward to making so many more in the months to come!