Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
March 31, 2022

Across the world, people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated to remember the Irish saint, Saint Patrick. Saint Patrick is the national apostle and the patron saint of Ireland. He is thought to be responsible for bringing Christianity to Ireland. Like many saints, Saint Patrick has symbols that are attributed to him. One of his symbols is the shamrock, the national flower of Ireland. Saint Patrick used these three leafed plants to explain the Holy Trinity to unbelievers.
Saint Patrick’s Day has been celebrated for over 1,000 years. It’s celebrated many ways including parades, fasting, and dancing. There are many different traditions that take place in the United States including the 1.5-mile Saint Patrick’s Day Parade that takes place in New York City. Another iconic tradition takes place in Chicago. Since 1962, the city of Chicago has been releasing about 40 pounds of green vegetable dye into the Chicago River.
Many schools celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in different ways and NDP joined in on the celebrations. On March 17th, Mrs. Barry sold green donuts and iced coffee. We were allowed to wear accessories, shirts, and sweatshirts over our uniform. Some teachers put shamrock confetti in the printers and some pieces of paper come out with shamrock shadows on it. Overall, it was a great Saint Patrick’s Day.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
O’Raifeartaigh, T. (2021, March 17). St. Patrick. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Patrick
History, editor. “History of St. Patrick’s Day.” History, 17 Mar. 2022,
www.history.com/topics/st-patricks-day/history-of-st-patricks-day. Accessed
18 Mar. 2022.