We’re Halfway There

Members of the Class of 2023 gather in the dining room after retreat.

Madison Villarba, Staff Writer

With exams coming up and the first semester coming to a close, it’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through the school year. I’m so happy about how well I’ve adjusted to being at NDP. However, I didn’t always feel this great about starting high school. For me, personally, one of my biggest worries about starting high school was making friends and finding the right crowd. But in reality, the change from middle school to high school was so much better and easier than I could have ever imagined. As I am sure many of the other girls have, I was able to make many new friends and feel right at home at NDP.

One of the many ways that the freshman class has used to become accustomed to high school is by joining different clubs and sports teams. NDP’s many different clubs have provided countless opportunities for us to make new friends through the various hobbies and activities that we enjoy.

Some of the other things that have made NDP feel like home are the countless traditions. NDP’s many traditions, such as Penny Queen and Tree Trim, have made me really feel like a part of the great NDP community.

Finally, I think that the best part about the transition to high school has been all of the new people I’ve met. The teachers, classmates, teammates, and many new friends have made me feel happy at NDP. I couldn’t imagine being here with any other group of girls.

For the freshman class especially, it’s crazy to think that we’ve only been at NDP for almost five months, when it feels like we’ve been here forever. With all that I’ve already experienced and with all that’s to come, I know that I am definitely looking forward to my remaining years at NDP and to all of the memories to come.