This year, the beloved tradition of Blazer Dash is being held on September 24th, only two days after the birthday of NDP. The Blazer Dash is a yearly fundraiser that raises money for girls who otherwise would not be able to attend the school. This fun event honors those who have passed away while attending NDP. It started in 1997 and has grown to be one of the most fun traditions at the school over the last 26 years.
Just like in the years past, at the Blazer Dash, you can either walk a mile or run a 5K. There are always food trucks with delicious food, music to listen to while you wait to start the event, and awards for all of the winners. After the race and walk, there is a very casual Catholic Mass for everyone to attend. The event starts at 8 am and will end around 11 am. This is a really fun event where you can hang out with your classmates, see your teachers have fun, and get a great workout while supporting your school.
Hope to see you at NDP for this fun event!