Tree Trim 2022
January 12, 2023
NDP is full of tradition. It is one of the many things that its students love. From Penny Queen to Gym Meet, our school year is filled with fun events that everyone loves. Among the many time-honored traditions, Tree Trim has to be one of the favorites among the community.
This year, this exciting event was celebrated on December 1st. The fun day started out with the Christmas sweater dress-down day. Students showed up with their crazy sweaters over top of their uniforms. These sweaters ranged from fuzzy and comfy white ones to reindeers wearing Santa hats and drinking hot cocoa. No matter what the sweaters looked like, everyone enjoyed seeing and wearing this comfy attire. Even though the school day was filled with comfy fun, the real excitement began after classes.
After the final blessing, students quickly returned to their advisory where they were able to put reindeer antlers in their hair and dot red noses. While each grade was called individually to the front of the school, the students enjoyed a small snack. Once everyone was assembled in front of the school, Jingle, Jangle, Jack, Jolly, and Jim kicked off the event with the presentation of the Penny Queen and Open House banners.

The festivities continued as each advisory presented their ornaments and hung them up on the class Christmas tree. Laughter filled the front of our school as this year’s elves shared some hilarious Christmas jokes. As Tree Trim continued, the NDP community joined together to sing some classic Christmas songs like Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Students, from all grades, were also given the chance to win some awesome gift cards in the raffles. Finally, Tree Trim is nothing without its annual visit from Santa, who looked a little like Dr. Pellechia.
This year’s Tree Trim definitely started off the Christmas festivities right. Between the laughter and the singing, there’s no way that it cannot be said that Tree Trim 2022 was a hit!