A Letter to the Future Seniors

Photo courtesy of Madison Sanschagrin.

Madison Sanschagrin, Staff Writer

Dear Class of 2023,

Senior year is right around the corner for you all. Soon you will be in New York, being sized for graduation dresses, deciding on colleges, winning gym meet (I know you will!), and thinking about how the last four years went by so fast. I never believed the saying time flies until this year.

As I get ready to put on the white dress, hold the red roses, and walk out of the gateway, I wanted to share some advice with you all. This next year will be one of the best. You will experience some of the traditions that you have long-awaited. You will become closer than ever as a class, which is truly one of the best parts of senior year. My advice to you all would be to breathe, take it all in, and make the most of each day. Do not wish any time away, because sooner than you realize you will be right where I am. Remain thankful for each day that you get to spend with your sisters. Time is so precious. Each day of my senior year I woke up and thanked God for being here another day. Each day is an opportunity to make someone laugh, to see a smile, and to grow as a person. My last piece of advice for you all is to think about what impact you want to leave here at NDP. As you think of that, think of the person you want to become. Use these thoughts to make your last year at NDP your year. Remember to smile to a teacher, laugh with your friends, say hi to someone in the halls, and just come to school each day excited and eager to learn and to make memories with those around you. As hard as tests and homework are, soon you will realize that you are not going to remember the homework, test, and assignments you had to do. You are going to remember who was there with you during it. The people you surrounded yourself with and the community you built around you. Finally, I want to thank you. Thank you for being some of the best friends a person could ask for. Some of you really had an impact on my time at NDP and who I am as a person. You made me laugh all the time. You made me find joy in each day. And you truly were a huge part of my senior year. I am thankful for the relationships I built with some of you and I will cherish them forever and always. I will never forget the Class of 2023 on Hampton Ln!

Make this next year the best. Smile bigger, hug tighter, and love a lot more!

Madison Sanschagrin 2022