A Pivotal Pi Day
March 14th—no, it’s not just a Monday… it’s Pi Day! For those unsure of what this celebration of pi entails, it involves puns, competition, stickers, and of course pie. The school day began normally with the exception of stacks and stacks of pie in the cafeteria. Students from all grades brought pies in hopes of sharing them later at lunch with their classmates and also to gain a few extra points towards the beloved Pi Banner. As classes began and students made their way through the math wing, they found hilarious pie tins with pi puns hanging from the ceiling.
At the start of lunch, students of the Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) went to their designated jobs to start the activities of pi day. Some went out into the foyer as judges to count and check the pi recitations and others like myself stood by the tables of pie to start cutting and handing out plates. What’s different about this Pi Day? Well, this year’s celebration was held in person for the first time since spring 2019 which means Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen have never actually experienced it. After eating a delicious coconut pie and reciting ten digits of pi, Junior and Mu Alpha Theta member Sydney Luong commented, “It was so fun seeing the whole school coming together for a tradition that hasn’t happened in 3 years. I can’t wait for next year!” Although we are still unsure of the winner of the Pi Banner, we all know the real winners are Reina Z. ’25, Sophie M. ’24, Kaye T. ’23, and Allyson M. ’22 who recited an astounding 201, 113, 101, and 87 digits of pi respectively. So, what’s in store for next year? Well, it’s uncertain but one thing we do know is that the pie and the celebrations will only get bigger and better with this revived tradition.

Hi! My name is Maya and I'm a senior ('23). I am really excited to be the Communications Manager this year :) I play basketball, run cross country, and...