NDP’s 2019 Thanksgiving Liturgy
The NDP community gathers for Thanksgiving Liturgy.
November 22, 2019
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The food, the family, the football. What’s not to love? Of course, like many others at NDP, after a long week of hard work and many tests, I felt so ready to finally be on break. However, what Thanksgiving Liturgy reminded me was that thanking God for all of our blessings comes before everything else.
On Thursday morning, November 21, one week before Thanksgiving, NDP faculty and students gathered to celebrate NDP’s annual Thanksgiving Liturgy. With the whole NDP community gathered in the auditorium, we were able to hold a beautiful service to celebrate this day of giving thanks.
Our liturgy began with a Call to Worship given by Senior Izzy Schadt. Our readings, as well as our prayer intentions, were read by some of NDP’s amazing Middle Level students. Following the readings was a great homily given by our celebrant, Father Charles Borges, S.J. Finally, our liturgy concluded with a lively closing hymn from our Middle Level students and our very talented liturgy band.
Watching the NDP community giving thanks to God and to those around us and celebrating Thanksgiving was a truly great experience. It made me think about all that I have to be grateful for this time of year. As a freshman at NDP, I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met, all the friends I have made, and all of the wonderful experiences I’ve had at NDP thus far.
Thomas Peri • Nov 23, 2019 at 7:20 am
Well done Madison! Izzy was such a wonderful start to a really beautiful service. Father B brought the essence of spirituality to the liturgy as well. Could not help but see most clearly all we have to be thankful for – the auditorium was filled with many reasons for being thankful.