‘Twas the day of Tree Trim
The 20 ft. tree and students sitting around it in the foyer
December 4, 2017
Cookies, cider, Christmas carols, and Santa Claus – all this and more at NDP’s Annual Tree Trim.
Nothing says ‘ringing in the holidays’ like a 20-foot Christmas Tree and belting out “The 12 Days of Christmas” with some of your closest friends. Once the announcements are over at the end of the day, students decked out in ugly Christmas sweaters quickly throw their backpacks in the gym and run to the foyer so they can get a spot near the magnificent tree. However, they must stop along the way to get their noses painted red and grab a pair on antlers so they can mimic the most famous reindeer of them all.
After getting settled on the floor of the foyer, tree trim has officially begun! Everyone sings carols while students places their advisory’s hand-made ornament on the tree. Anticipation fills the room as everybody awaits not only for their raffle number to be called so they can win a Dunkin’ Doughnuts gift card, but also to meet the one and only Santa Claus. Finally, after loudly singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” the jolly old man we know as Santa appears in the room receiving a loud cheer from the crowd. After the thunder of cheer dies down, the students scramble to their feet and run into the cafeteria to munch on cookies, drink cider, or take pictures with their friends in front of the tree or with Santa.
Though tree trim is over, the Christmas spirit felt during the celebration stays in each student’s heart as she finishes off the weeks leading up to Christmas break.