Open House: A Home to Remember
October 31, 2017
The crazy October bustle has come and gone, but the particular joy and havoc instilled by one particular Saturday morning will be with many perspective students for months to come. The morning I speak of is, of course, NDP’s Open House, an occasion during which students, faculty, and administration pool their own personal talents and their passion for NDP together to greet and speak to perspective families during morning tours. This event will produce a winner of the Open House banner, but it goes much deeper than just getting another trophy for one’s class. I’ve had the chance to work Open House every year since sixth grade, and seeing bright new faces every year makes coming back every time a wonderful and new experience.
I started my career in what is now a Middle Level science classroom, previously known as the art room. It was, in my professional opinion, the best-kept secret of the school. For my three years in that hallway, I designed prints, painted stipplings, stenciled models, and molded clay. I loved every moment of students asking questions about the projects we did or just staring as I rolled paint on linoleum and created the perfect Warhol print. After eighth grade, I wasn’t sure what I’d do for Open House the next year, but it turned out I wouldn’t have to make any decision. As a member of NDP’s string orchestra, I was required to play in the Fishbowl for the entire event. All twenty-some of us crammed in that room to perform together for the first time with somewhat of an audience. Each year, I moved up in chair position, and this past Open House I had the absolute pleasure of leading the orchestra for the event. As a member of Jazz Band and Concert Band as well, I spent some of my time in the music wing, but the majority was spent cuing and smiling at my fellow musicians as we played The Lion King or Spirit of Adventure (from the Disney movie UP). I also had the privilege of conducting a song or two when Mr. Kuznik, our director, stepped out to talk to a family about what orchestra entails. I cannot explain the joy of seeing everyone’s faces light up as we plucked the first note or glided our bows across the strings. It is definitely an experience that will be with me for a very long time.
Though I am sad this is was my last time serving at Open House, I am overjoyed that I’ve had such wonderful experiences over the past seven years. If you had the chance to experience NDP’s Open House, I hope you felt as much joy in the event as I have found in it! If not, please consider joining us next year for another wonderful October weekend morning!