A Shining Advent Service
December 2, 2016
On Tuesday morning, the annual Advent prayer service was held by the sophomore Campus Ministry team. In order to reflect, students processed quietly into the auditorium to violin music. Before the Call to Worship, Maura Schlee led the school in a quiet meditation based on the central point of this year’s Advent theme, stars. The Call to Worship was given by Olivia Meyers and explained how Jesus can be found in unexpected and smaller places. A video was then shown describing how God intended for Jesus to be unexpected so that the true followers would see Jesus. This video helped to explain the reasoning of Jesus not coming as a king or ruler.
Then, it was explained that this year in advisory, a star with a different value each day will be put onto a small tree in advisory to show the trait that girls will work toward that day. Some days, there will be a blank star, and the advisory can decide together what they would like their theme for the day to be. In addition, a big star will be hidden around the school each day, and the student that finds it will be able to bring it back to the front of the school where the nativity scene is and hang it on the stable. This year, all are encouraged to find Jesus in unexpected places and embrace the spirit of Advent.