Sister Patricia McCarron’s 25th Jubilee Celebration
Sister Patricia McCarron seated with her mother at the celebration of her 25th Jubilee
February 9, 2015
The mission of the School Sisters of Notre Dame is “to continue to share in Christ’s mission to proclaim the good news of God’s reign.” No one embodies this better than our very own Sister Patricia.
Growing up right here in Maryland, Sister Patricia went to IND for high school and continued on to get her BA in Math with a minor in Secondary Education from the University of Notre Dame of Maryland. Her first teaching job was right here at NDP, where she worked for four years as a math teacher. Throughout her time as a teacher at NDP, Sr. Patricia decided that she would answer her call to the sisterhood. When asking Sister Patricia about why she decided to become a nun, I was truly inspired by her response. She told me that she simply decided to answer the call of God that had been pulling on her heart for many years. Becoming a sister is a courageous commitment of love and service that takes a brave heart to answer.
Along with these many phenomenal accomplishments, Sister Patricia also served as the Assistant Principal of Student Affairs at Seton Keough High School and taught at Notre Dame of Maryland University, where she was Assistant and then Associate Academic Dean. During my time talking with Sister Patricia, she mentioned to me how coincidental it was that the very place where she started her journey into her religious life is the place that she returned to, and now calls home.
Listening to Sr. Patricia talk about her love and passion for Christ is truly inspiring. She talked about the SSNDs and the immense dedication they have to their faith, saying that the life and joy that these great women brought to their communities really struck a note with her. I asked her what the best part of being a member of the SSND community was, and it honestly took Sister back for a minute because she had such a hard time picking just one thing. She decided that “being part of this group of religious women who so recognize God’s love in their life and are called to pour out love in their service to education, as well as their charism of unity and Mother Teresa,” called her to do the same service that these women do.
Inspired by the true spirit of her inner math teacher, she said that “the sum is bigger than the whole of its parts,” and how that is exactly how it is with the SSNDs; that you are “part of something much bigger than yourself.” Sister’s love for Christ radiates from all that she says, and you can tell that she is truly passionate about her faith. Sister Patricia explained to me that one of the guiding principles in her daily life is the idea that God’s love is so great and unconditional; we know He will always be there no matter what: “When we know we are loved, we can go out and love other people.”
This year is a big year for Sister Patricia, who is celebrating her 25th jubilee, or the 25th year since she took her vows as a sister. She said that is such a blessing to get to reflect on the great things God has done in her life and celebrate His action through her. It also gives an opportunity to recommit to her faith and the vows that she took 25 years ago, as well as challenging others to do the same.
Finally, Sister Patricia would like to thank her family and the NDP community for all their love and support. Sister’s stress on the importance of family was clearly evident, and she greatly praised their amazing show of faith that inspired her. Also, Sister would like to thank the NDP community for her celebration. Mass was truly the best and most meaningful celebration possible. She said that “the girls inspire me every day by the way they share their love and are a witness to Christ out in the world.”
Sister described NDP as truly “holy ground.” Here is the place that not only the students and teachers call home, but also our own Sister Patricia McCarron. Every day she inspires us by her loyalty and dedication to faith, as well as the NDP community. We are truly lucky to have such an amazing woman as Sister Patricia and as members of the NDP community, we sincerely congratulate her on her 25 years of dedication to Christ’s calling to service.