Pasta for the Philippines

Olivia Baker

On Thursday, January 29th NDP held its annual Pasta for the Philippines! Every year this fundraiser is on parent visitation day, which allows NDP students to eat their pasta and bread with their family. Mr. Jeff Goethals, like always, made the delicious pasta with some help from the NDP staff. Our pasta proceeds make just about a full year of lunches for the students in the Philippines. This year on January the 29th we raised about $3000. I asked Mr. Pomplon what his favorite part of Pasta for the Philippians was and he said, “My favorite part of the day is feeling the energy back in the kitchen as we rush to get out all the pasta, sauce, and bread to the students.  It is quite a rush!” Overall this was a very successful and fun day, and we all got to eat some delicious pasta!IMG_5932 rezized

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