Looking Forward: Sophomore Year!

August 27, 2014
While the Freshmen are finding their way through the Gateway, the Juniors are making last minute preparations for the Ring Dance, and the Seniors are getting ready to say their farewell to NDP, it’s easy to forget about our Sophomore class. After all, we don’t have to worry about college yet, and we aren’t the sweet little “Freshies” anymore, but this easily forgotten year in school shouldn’t just be written off as “boring”! There are definitely some exciting Sophomore events.
For one, the CCAP dance will be held again this year for the second time, which will be open to Freshmen and Sophomores and their dates. CCAP, held by the Christian Community Awareness Program, was a blast last year, and it is sure to be a great time again this fall! This isn’t the only dance for Sophomores, though! Spring might seem far off right now, it being the beginning of the school year, but the Spring Dance will surely roll around again before Notre Dame’s Freshman and Sophomore classes know!
Another fun event this year is Sophomore Retreat. Each advisory will go to retreat separately, but it will nonetheless be a fun and exciting bonding experience for the entire Sophomore class! Last year’s Sophomores had an amazing time on retreat. One student said, “I loved retreat! It was great to get to know all of my classmates and bond with everybody!” Hopefully this year’s Sophomores will have as great of a time!
This may not seem like much, but with field trips and everyday fun, Sophomore year is sure to be a great experience, and at the very least, the class of 2017 will not be wandering around, lost, quite as much as last year!