The days of monogrammed tunics, spotless white Keds, and bonding three days a week with your class sisters have begun… It’s Gym Meet time! Gym Meet is hard work for everyone but especially for those who started prepping over a month ago, the amazing committee members and captains. Committees start to meet a month before practices start. This means that committees have eight meetings to prep, present, and organize all the events in Gym Meet. Dance and Aerobics compose the music, choreograph an entire four minute routine, and teach it in only three or four practices. There are also the unsung heroes of Gym Meet, Poster, Odds and Ends, and Costume Committee. These girls work tirelessly to make the beautiful posters which are done mostly on their own time, decorate the entire new gym, and make costumes for over 100 girls. They are amazing and truly deserve everyone’s appreciation and recognition. I am on March Committee and I can tell you first hand that being on a committee is quite the challenge. In our committee we have to plan the formations, figure out how to get 121 people into these formations, pick a song, and most importantly, teach it to everyone in four practices. It is a daunting task at times, but ultimately the committee members are some of the most hard working and dedicated people I know, so we always get everything done. This year I am so proud of all the work our class and all the other grades have done, and I know that Gym Meet will be a huge success this year because of the work these girls have put in. After a month of hard work, thank your committee members and especially your captain for a job well done!
The Soul of Gym Meet
Erin Shoul, Studen Life Writer
February 18, 2014

About the Contributor

Erin Shoul, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Erin Shoul, and I am member of the senior class. Go Sky and Teal :) This year will be my third year writing for The Gateway, and after walking across the graduation stage, I will have been an NDP girl for seven whole years. I have loved writing for The Gateway during my time here, and primarily write Student Life and Opinion articles. Besides writing, I am also involved in Technical Theatre, Campus Ministry, CCAP, and other various activities. I can’t wait to see what wonderful writing is to come this year! Happy Reading!