A Pi Day Plot Twist

Seniors Meredith Heubeck, Claire McGarvey, Kristina Melegari, and Maya Mercadante pose in this year’s pi day shirts. (Left to Right)
April 5, 2023
Notre Dame Prep’s annual Pi Day, which was run by Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society), was, as usual, a success. The leaders of the Mu Alpha Theta society have been promoting the day for the past week on the announcements. The coveted Pi Day banner was to be determined by the number of pies brought in by each class and the number of digits recited (after the first 20).
When Pi Day finally arrived, everything was in full swing. Mu Alpha Theta volunteers collected pies brought in by each class and the honor society leaders Kristina Melegari ’23 (President), Claire McGarvey ’23 (Vice President), Meredith Heubeck ’23 (Secretary), and Maya Mercadante ’23 (Treasurer) kicked off the day with lively announcements and wore bright blue Pi Day t-shirts. This year is the first ever year that the Mu Alpha Theta honor society has organized t-shirts for the members. Then at lunch, more volunteers handed out the delicious pies and counted pi recitations.
The numbers were tallied and the highest pi recitation from each grade was announced the very next day. The winners were Sophia Reider ’24 with 340 digits, Katherine Berger ’25 with 258 digits, Kaye Tubal ’23 with 150 digits, and Andrea Barraza ’26 with 113 digits.
The contest for the banner was very competitive. The Juniors brought in the most pies and had the highest pi digit reciter. However, an upset was achieved; the sophomores pulled through and won by a mere 102 points. They had the most participation and pi recitation attempts. Mu Alpha Theta President Kristina Melegari ’23 adds, “I was so proud to see our entire community come together to celebrate Pi Day! It was a ‘sine’ of the NDP community’s passion and excitement for the field of mathematics. I was so excited that we were able to design and wear Pi Day t-shirts to celebrate together as a math honor society! It truly shows that the sum is greater than all its parts!“