Urgent Late-Breaking News

March 31, 2022
Here’s some late-breaking news! Notre Dame Prep has decided to make some changes to the school now that the end of the year is fast approaching. For starters, there will be some adjustments to the prices of food in the dining room. Muffins will double in price, and starting tomorrow, there will be a charge for spoons. Additionally, a student favorite, fries, will now cost $10. You can’t put a price on good food, right?

In other news, there will be some changes to Gym Meet as we know it. Who wants to spend their time dancing and aerobicizing when they could be marching and singing for twice as long. That’s right! There will be no more dance or aerobics during Gym Meet. Instead, grades will perform 10 songs and much longer marches. Just when you thought Gym Meet couldn’t get any better, it is now mandatory for all students! Now grades will have no choice but to bond outside of the classroom.
One of my favorite things about NDP is all of the cool and interesting classes we get to take. Sometimes I resent having a free period because it takes away from time that could have been spent in-class learning. Well, my prayers have been answered. There will be no more free periods! Now we can spend that extra time that we usually use to get our homework done or take a brain break to learn more instead!
Finally, the most exciting news of all, school days will be extended for an extra hour. This will allow for extra long classes so that teachers will have more wiggle room to extend the curriculum. This, paired with the end of free periods, will allow for the best learning experience possible. Our future at NDP is looking bright!