The Return of Gym Meet
Sophomores practicing dance in the New Gym in preparation for Gym Meet. Photo credit: Ms. Carrie Burns.
March 2, 2021
A sense of normalcy returned to Hampton Lane as each class gathered for the first Gym Meet practices of 2021. Although the rules are very different from previous years, everyone is excited to be with their class and compete for the beloved Silver Cup. Ms. Bartel, chairperson of the physical education department and Gym Meet enthusiast, would not let the pandemic nor anything else to stop her from planning NDP’s biggest competition. Gym Meet, normally held the first weekend of March, is currently scheduled to take place the last week before spring break.
The freshmen are beginning their Gym Meet experience by dancing through the decades as their theme. Everyone is in for a tasty treat from the sophomores with their “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” theme. The juniors bring a mysterious element to the table as they search for the silver cup per the style of “Clue,” but the seniors are ready to win the final lap with their NASCAR theme.
The committees have been hard at work preparing for the school’s most well-known tradition in afternoon Zoom meetings. While some committees had to overcome challenges related to the COVID-19 restrictions, they are excited to finally work on their routines as a class. Olivia Shannon ‘24, a freshman that attended Middle Level, had this to say on the topic: “Gym Meet is different but I’m still enjoying it and I’m excited for it. After seeing it at the Middle Level it looked really fun!”
From girls sitting on the parking lot practicing song to groups aerobicizing in the foyer, this year couldn’t get any weirder. Even in the midst of teachers reminding the students to stay six feet apart and keep their masks on, everyone is enthusiastic about the upcoming chance to display their hard work and creativity during this crazy school year.