In the spirit of Valentine’s Day you may wonder, “Where did this holiday come from?” Some may call it a Hallmark holiday because few know the real background of Valentine’s Day. Did you know that Valentine’s Day was not always about teddy bears, chocolate, and roses? This holiday, cherished by couples and close friends, traces back to the 17th century.
The story of Valentine’s Day is grounded in legend and mystery, and no one true person knows how to interpret it. The Catholic Church recognizes three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. These three saints were all martyred.
There are many legends about this cherished holiday. One states that Valentine was a third-century priest in Rome. In that time, the emperor had decided that all single men were better for the military than to be married, so he outlawed marriage for all single men. Valentine did not agree with this unjust order and in secret married young men to their wives. When his actions were discovered, he was sentenced to death.
Other people believe that it was Saint Valentine of Terni who caused this holiday to be brought about. Saint Valentine of Terni was also sentence to death by the emperor of Rome.
There are other legends stating that Valentine was killed for helping Christian’s escape Roman prisons. One legend is about an imprisoned Valentine who sent the first valentine. It is said that he mailed a love letter to his jailor’s daughter who had been visiting him while he was imprisoned.
While there are many legends about Valentine’s Day, no single person can tell you exactly what started it. You can believe whichever interpretation you want because it could be part of each legend that equals the truth.
Another part of holidays is the iconic mascot. Christmas has Santa. Easter has the Easter Bunny. And Valentine’s Day has Cupid! Cupid is depicted as a boy launching arrows at lovers. Cupid is a Roman god with his roots in Greek mythology. He is the Greek god of love. Just like the origin of Valentine’s Day, the origin of Cupid is under interpretation.
With all these parts of Valentine’s Day history being discovered, there are many other aspects to Valentine’s Day that are much more well known. When the average person thinks of Valentine’s Day they think of chocolate, cards, and flowers. According to Hallmark, a popular card store, 145 million Valentine’s are sent each year. This is the second largest card sending holiday of the year, with Christmas being in first place.
There are many legends about the origin of Valentine’s Day. Many of these legends have their own twist and interpretation. It is your job as the reader to decide how you interpret it!
Daly, M. (2025, February 14). The Story Retold. Retrieved February 20, 2025, from website: Editors. (2009, December 22). History of Valentine’s Day. Retrieved February 20, 2025, from History website: (2025). 25 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day (Including How Much the Average Person Spends on the Holiday!). Retrieved February 20, 2025, from website: