Is the soup good? What ingredients do we need to bring in? These are two of the many questions that are asked through the halls in the days leading up to Stone Soup Day. But the real question is, what is Stone Soup Day?
Stone Soup is the day where the NDP community gathers together to make a soup compiled of different ingredients. The soup is then sold to the students, faculty, and staff for lunch. All the money that is raised is given to the student-run NDP clubs, Beyond Borders and Thirst Project. These two clubs then donate the money to the head organization for them to give to those who need it.
So how does this special tradition work? Each year, each advisory brings in a different ingredient for Café NDP to use to cook the soup. To participate, you must pay $5 either before Stone Soup Day or the day of. Traditionally, you also bring your own bowl and spoon to reduce the waste for the day. At lunch, there will be people walking around selling whole baguettes, so make sure you bring enough money to buy one.
Stone Soup Day is a fun day where we not only get a delicious soup, but also fundraise for those who are less fortunate. Make sure to buy your Stone Soup ticket ahead of time and get in on the fun!