A Little Reminder for You!

March 31, 2022
Sometimes life can be messy, stressful, overwhelming, and can feel cloudy. However, I want to remind you to smile, laugh, and try to find the good in it all. Over these past couple of months of my senior year, I have been reminded of how truly beautiful life is. Through the sound of laughter, the sight of smiles, and the thought of all the amazing things that have happened. I am thankful.
It can be easy to be thankful for things when life is going well, instead of when you are going through a challenging time. A thought that I remind myself of is: if we didn’t know what it was like to go through the rough patches and obstacles of life, we would never know the amazing feeling of things during the good times. I am thankful for the days when I am challenged because it is because of those days that make the good days so much better.
Two more months are left in my high school career! Time sure does fly! I am going to dedicate these next two months trying to make others smile, laugh, and remind them how truly wonderful life is. I am thankful for all those people in my life who have reminded me of how beautiful life is and who have made me smile and laugh each day!
My advice to you would be to surround yourself with people who make you smile and feel loved! Remember to find the good in it all and to be thankful for all things, the good and the bad. Life is a beautiful thing; it just takes you to realize it!