For years in the past, The Gateway has featured an annual two-page spread of black and white photos from Gym Meet. Members of Mrs. Martiyan’s Photo I class are credited for taking, developing and editing these photos. Now that the Gateway is online, we are able to feature the photos as part of a rotating slide show. Check out the Photography calss’s latest work on the home page!
Featured artists include Brenna Leary, Cailin Smith, Catie Kimball, Emily Murphy, Amanda Duckett, Caroline Doyle, Heather Witman, Lauren Bernardo, Meredith Good, Molly Cobb, Sarah Jones, Lucie Wiedefeld, Caroline Drusano, Gabby Milando, Emma Williams, Nikki Smith, Megan Cannon, Sarah Powderly, Bailey DeMaso, Gabby Ratajczak and Anita Batuure.